Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 2012

Elias is playing soccer again this season.  However, he now is in U8 which means that he has to sit with his team, the field is much bigger, and goalies are now a part of the game.  He LOVES defense and always tries to be the goalie.  Should be a fun season!

Brant has been climbing the little slide on the indoor climbing toy for some time now.  However, today, he was climbing up the big slide and sliding down.

Both boys are waving now.  Brant says "ba ba" for bye bye and bubba.  They both say "taw" for stop.

Today, we made a fort out of big box for the babies.  They're in heaven.

Daddy's car finally bit the dust.  It was hard to watch it go (for him),

but we got a shiny new (to us) Honda Accord to take its place.  As we were shopping, Steve mentioned that the car we bought would likely be Elias's first car.  After I resumed breathing, we told Elias that we bought him a new car...

Some other fun pictures from this month...

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