Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thirty Seven Weeks, One Day

No sleep + Elias being rude + PUPPP + not being able to take my baby clothes to the resale shop when just the DAY before, the sign said they were taking boys clothes and today it says toys and equipment only + the van sputtering at one stoplight = sobbing preggo. I'm not kidding.

So now that I'm 37 weeks, I've decided that I no longer need to be on my restrictions. I miss exercising and I'm HUGE and getting huger by the day, so we are now going on family walks each night after dinner. What's that? Walking can induce labor? Hmmm....I had no idea. Well, I guess that wouldn't be so awful. ;)

Speaking of huge. I can no longer sit in booths at restaurants. I have to sit sideways.

I finally finished the babies' room. For now, anyway. I still want to get these cute light switch and outlet covers that match the bedding and hang some pictures that I have yet to find or buy. I'd also LOVE to put some pictures of them up there. Maybe someday.

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